Wednesday, 11 November 2009


I have not, and probably will not,
ever be able to understand my relationship with carrots.

I love carrots raw!

I love love love Carrot Cake.

And I really really love Carrot and Corriander Soup, which I have just made.

I even love Carrot and Swede mashed together.

But I can never, never, never eat just plain cooked carrots!!!!

I'd love to be able to eat them as I think they add colour to a plate of food. I have tried on many occsasions to put them in my mouth to eat but I just can't. It just doesn't make sense. I'm one of those people that will try anything even if I don't like the look of it. I even managed to taste an Oyster after many years of pulling a face at and dicovered that I love Oysters. But.... I just can't with plain cooked carrots.


melissa said...

oh yum! PLEASE post the recipe to that delicious looking soup!!

Anonymous said...

I CAN eat them cooked as long as they're not mushy. I don't like canned carrots though!Yuk! I LUUUUERV!!!! all the other yummy things you mention! MMmmmmm!

sharyncarlson said...

Too funny. I feel the exact same way about carrots ;)

Photography said...

LOL I love carrots too :-) And we can eat then raw and plain cooked (steamed) - do quite often :-) Your soup looked delish! Do you have the recipe handy?? :-)