Tuesday, 3 November 2009

A very proud day for Mum and Daughter

As anyone would expect, I am proud of all my 4 children, and through my blogging I'm hoping to share some of my proudest moments and theirs. 
This photo was taken in July this year. My daughter had already graduated before having got a degree in Theatre Acting. Ann-Marie enjoyed her time traveling around performing and living out of a suitcase for a couple of years before becoming pregnant with my first grandson Liam ( he's now 7 ). Ann-Marie turned to teaching drama throughout and after her pregnancy. But teaching wasn't her chosen career, and she didn't want to go back to acting.

She said to me one day "Mum you'll thing I'm mad, but I'm thinking of a change of career" I just smiled.

"I'm thinking about becoming a midwife."

My answer to this was " Do it, and if you don't like it then you can do something different"

It took Ann-Marie a couple of years to get on the course to become a midwife, as there are only a few places offered each year.
So my daughter became a student again, but this time she also had a young son to look after. and I'm very proud to say that after 3 years hard study and 'catching' babies, she got a 1st class honours degree.
It was wonderful to share her day of celebration and it was an honour to watch her go up and recieve her degree. She worked so hard throughout those 3 years.
So well done Ann-Marie, I'm so proud of you and all your achievements. I love you.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

You're not talking to yourself - I'm reading. What a wonderful career choice for your daughter - to coach, teach, be a part of and witness miracles regularly (not to mention be paid to do it!) It doesn't get much better than that.